How Balance in Our Lives Makes Us Better Investors

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To get ahead in this life, not only do you need to work hard but smart. Part of that is balancing your life with other things that you enjoy. 

Though we love real estate, and for us, it's enjoyable. It's also not all that life is. Understanding what those other things are can be transformative. I am not telling anyone these are things you must do but just things that work for me. In this article, I will go through what I do to balance life and give myself the space to develop unique creative solutions that make us better investors.

The Power of Good Health

Health is number one because I cannot take care of my family without it. By health, I am referring to both mental and physical wellness. We can start with the physical side. Every day, I make sure that I do something that gets my body moving. Whether it be a walk or hike, a CrossFit (Burpee’s baby!) workout, a Peloton spin class, yoga, or running around with my daughter, I make it happen. My number one favorite out of all these are walks and hikes. If I have a difficult decision, there is nothing like a long walk to bring clarity. It's just enough exercise to get the juices flowing, but not so hard you can't think straight. Many new ideas come to me on those walks. Usually, these walks are in a natural, rejuvenating environment. It also gives me some time to let thoughts simmer before acting.

 The philosopher Henry David Thoreau epitomizes that sentiment in this quote:

 “Moreover, you must walk like a camel, which is said to be the only beast which ruminates when walking” – Walking June 1862 Issue Atlantic

Don’t Underestimate Vigorous Exercise or a Proper Diet

I can appreciate vigorous exercise as well. It gets those endorphins flowing and can lead to an epiphany in your thoughts. Not to mention, vigorous exercise enables you to burn more calories, getting that heart pumping and those lungs working. 

Also, with physical health, you must pay attention to diet and proper nutrition. What we put in our bodies is probably more important than what we do with our bodies. I strive to have more colorful items (vegetables) on my plate, accompanied by some protein. I also like having smaller meals that I enjoy more frequently. I like cooking at home, which gives me better control over what goes into my body and how my body responds. Though eating healthy when you are on the go can be challenging, an easy solution is to carry healthy snacks with me.  Keeping these healthy snacks on hand holds me accountable and helps my metabolism.

Of course, snacking is often inevitable, and I won't deprive myself. As long as such snacks are in moderation, it is acceptable. If you are eating in this healthy way, you can think more clearly because you fuel your body in the right way. And this means better decisions, too.

Family Matters Most

The importance of being with family and the people you care for cannot be overstated. Otherwise, why are we all doing this? It, in a way, feeds the soul. I also feel that my mind ruminates unconsciously about things during those periods after spending some quality, present time with people I love. Complex ideas or challenges seem to fall better into place. That's probably something to do with happiness.

Positive Professional Relationships Help You Grow

I also think this goes hand in hand with becoming professional buddies with other operators. It's good to bounce ideas off each other, share information, and look at things from different perspectives. The ability and opportunity to respectfully debate certain things help you grow and improve your mindset.

You put all this together, and it balances out the worries and anxieties in your life. As someone who has struggled with depression in the past, I vicarly understand the importance of this equilibrium in mental health. It gives you the ability to stay strong in difficult situations.

Finding Fulfillment

All in all, these activities give me space to think things through. It brings about much fulfillment in life, making it all worth it. Sometimes, this balance will be off since there are times in work that you need to grind. But with this clarity, more innovative, impactful solutions come to fruition. Additionally, it helps build my mental fortitude for when challenges arise. My ability to live a balanced life creates the space to be the most effective operator for our business and backers.


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